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Inglesina的历史发展始于一种奇特而原始的方式,一切的一切都源于一种激情,四轮和机械就是是公司创始人LIVIANO TOMASI的激情来源,然而,最初年轻的托马斯先生感兴趣的是那种小型的四轮赛车,他也为比赛而不断的调整和改进车子。从引擎到婴儿,只是一小步,但是就是这一小步在他妻子BRUNA的鼓励下,通过生产出的三轮车实现了。 1963年12月,在两个哥哥AUGUSTO 和 SERGIO的陪伴下,LIVIANO TOMASI 开始踏上了一条后来被证明是有远见卓识的商业冒险之旅:第一代英式婴儿车的制造使他创立了L’INGLESINA baby这个品牌。 公司经历了不断的快速的发展壮大,其品牌也在意大利国内市场上享有很高的知名度。接下来的近10年间,公司一直致力于英式提篮推车的生产推广; 70年代早期,引进了创新式的一个童车概念,座椅推车,“阿波罗”系列(取这个名字主要是纪念当时的太空旅行新纪元)。在进入80年代之后的20年里,公司也逐渐开拓出了一些国际市场,同时生产线也拓展到像是宝宝座椅,汽车安全座椅和宝宝挂带等。 今时今日,L’INGLESINA baby已经是国内外知名的婴幼儿产业的主导品牌,还作为“意大利制造”的品牌特使出访过30多个国家和地区,具有广泛而深远的影响力。 The history of Inglesina began in a curious, original way. Everything started with the passion of the company's founder, Liviano Tomasi, for four wheels and mechanics in general. However, young Tomasi was originally interested in go-karts and in fact he dedicated himself to the tuning up and setting of karts for racing. But it was a short step from engines to babies - first through the production of tricycles - especially with the encouragement of a woman: his wife, Bruna. So, in December 1963, at first accompanied by his brothers Augusto and Sergio, Liviano Tomasi embarked on what was to prove a far-sighted and courageous business venture: he created L'Inglesina Baby and, with it, the production of the first English-style prams - including the historic "London" - which even today represents one of the inspirations for the unmistakable Inglesina style. The company experienced constant and rapid growth, linked to the visibility the brand gained on the Italian market. For a decade, L'Inglesina Baby's production remained centred on English-style prams but as early as the 1970s it introduced a revolutionary stroller: the "Apollo" (whose name pays homage to the new era of space travel). In the 1980s, and the whole next decade, the company developed a presence in other international markets as well, expanding its product line with articles such as baby seats, car seats and baby slings. Today L'Inglesina Baby is one of the leading companies on the international scene, specializing in the early infancy sector and a recognized interpreter of the "Made in Italy" style, elegance and quality, serving as its ambassador to more than thirty countries around the world for more than forty years.
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